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Madina Shikhabudinova
Web Executive

Madina is a highly prepared and meticulous professional with over 11 years of experience in Business Development Strategies, Financial, and Budgetary Planning. She held a variety of executive positions in global structures operating in the world's main industries as Financial Services, Asset Management, Investments, Digital Marketing, Information Technology, Digital Strategies with a prime specialization in developing corporate Web Communication.

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Mrs. Shikhabudinova obtained her Bachelor's degree in Accounting and Budgetary Analysis from the University of Rostov State in 2016 and a specialization degree in Economist, Analysis, and Audit from Rostov State, Russia in 2017. She expanded her skills with Business Training in Essential Communication Techniques following web seminaries and digital marketing sessions.

Mrs. Shikhabudinova has achieved excellent knowledge of business principals, policies, operations, and financial strategies within international business environments. Her career is formed by large experience acquired over 4 years in REMAR GROUPMoscow Branch, where she held the position of Accountant Analyst as part of the Investment Department in charge to satisfy Russian investors needs. 2 years in REMAR GROUP based in Dubai Branch - UAE, where he held the position of Economist Analyst as part of the Investment Department in charge to create Budgetary Strategies to satisfy  Russian investors requirements,   2 years in FINSOR HOLDING S.A. Lugano - Switzerland, as Budgetary Analyst in charge to match corporate needs, 1 year in ROSWEALTH ORGANIZATION - London, UK Headquarter and Dubai Private Office, where she holds the position of Web Executive in charge to develop Web and Marketing Communications, strategies and tools have the mission to promoting group activities. Between the various positions, Mrs. Madina's expertise was highly valued, reaching positions of Policy Executive, Business Development Manager, and Web Communication Executive.

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